Sunday, September 27, 2009

Long cycle

... I've been doing long cycle all last week. I need it to participate in Latvian Cup in November. Yes, we have a long cycle event for women in Latvia :)
I proved to myself again that I love to do long cycle. I like it much more than snatch.

I've done it before, too. We already had a long cycle competition this year. I took the third place with 104 reps (with 12kg)... 1st and 2nd place holders did 114 reps each. We all could do more, but time was over. So I decided to check how much reps can I do now... I wasn't doing LC since March...

And here are my results:
First day I took 8kg, 12 kg and 16kg KBs and made a long set of 20 reps with 8kg + 15 reps with 12kg + 10 reps with 16kg + 15 reps with 12kg + 20 reps with 8kg (it was one set without rest). It took me about 15 minutes.
Next time I decided to take 12kg and make as much as I can without time limitation. I did 65 reps with right hand and 55 with left (I droped the KB because my palm was too sweaty). It took me about 13-14 minutes...

Now I have to increase tempo to make same 120 reps in 10 minutes instead of 14... Or I can take 16kg KB and make 60 reps whitch will be counted as 120 points (one rep with 16kg is counted as two reps with 12kg in the competition). I guess I will try to increase my reps with 16kg and try to make 30+30 or more... I still have a month to go (comps are in Nov.7th).

Wish me a good luck ;)


  1. Nice! Try waving your workouts like I do (then again who am I to make suggestions). One day shorter set but faster pace, next day slower pace but stretch out time. It works well for me at least. Over time numbers go up.

  2. Howie, thanks for the advice.
    Thierry, thanks for good words :)

    And here are the news:
    I was doing LC with 16kg yesterday. I made 30reps with right arm and 20 with left. I will make another try tomorrow and I will start with my left.
    I need just 10-15 reps more in sum to win the competition :)
